One of the most popular strategies in the law firm web marketing vertical (aside perhaps for reciprocal linking) is renting links.
The scheme goes something like this. Law firms pay "SEO" companies to add links from other sites "in their network."
There are a variety of ways in which this is done. One of the most common is by creating several "resources" pages.
This tactic is by no means new, nor limited to the legal vertical. And unfortunately, it appears to work in some limited cases for a limited period of time.
To me, this type of link scheme is a clear violation of Google's Quality Guidelines.
Nonetheless, it's very common.
Assuming you're willing to take the risk of being penalized by search engines, you should also weigh the cost benefits of engaging in this sort of scheme.
You'll likely end up shelling out thousands per month. And if you stop paying, your links are removed.
This is why I call it renting links. You get links so long as you keep laying the rent.
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