Tuesday, March 20, 2012

All SEO Isn't Created Equally

While some of the 30,000 ft. concepts of SEO have broad application for a variety of businesses, you don't have to read much about SEO online to learn that not all SEO is created equally. For example, Godaddy sells SEO for $2.99/month. On the other hand, some SEO consultants have sold their services for as much as $1,000 per hour. How can they possibly be selling the same thing? The answer is that they're not. But even if we assume that we're talking about similar SEO services, there's still a big difference between many SEO programs that are being sold at comparable prices. And then, there are also differences from vertical to vertical. Again, while there is overlap in some basic marketing principles, selling legal services is quite different from selling ice cream. Likewise, SEO for lawyers is quite different from SEO for ice cream. One of the best things you can do for your business online is to get out of the SEO is SEO mindset. Start thinking about how people find you, why they might choose to interact with your business or your website, and then communicate to them the reasons for which they should choose you.

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